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We can provide data for over a thousand spot forex symbols covering the currency pairs shown below sourced from over 30 different banks and market makers. We can also provide spot metal data and a range of forward price data for the major currencies. Time stamps in chronological order to 1 minute resolution up to 16/05/04 and to 1 second resolution from 17/05/04. Please contact us regarding your specific requirements for forex data.

Tick and bar data may be provided based on bid, ask or mid price on

Symbol Start Date Symbol Start Date
AUDEUR 15/12/03 GBPILS 26/07/04
AUDGBP 15/12/03 GBPJPY 15/12/03
AUDJPY 26/07/04 GBPNOK 15/12/03
AUDUSD 15/12/03 GBPNZD 15/12/03
CHFAUD 03/01/05 GBPPLN 26/07/04
CHFCAD 02/01/05 GBPSEK 15/12/03
CHFDKK 03/01/05 GBPSGD 15/12/03
CHFEUR 15/12/03 GBPSIT 26/07/04
CHFGBP 15/12/03 GBPTHB 15/12/03
CHFJPY 26/07/04 GBPTZS 26/07/04
DKKSEK 26/07/04 GBPUSD 15/12/03
EURAED 26/07/04 GBPZAR 26/07/04
EURAUD 15/12/03 JPYCAD 02/01/05
EURBRL 15/12/03 JPYCHF 02/01/05
EURCAD 15/12/03 JPYEUR 02/01/05
EURCHF 15/12/03 NZDEUR 02/01/05


EURCYP 03/01/05 NZDUSD 15/12/03
EURCZK 15/12/03 SKKGBP 02/01/05
EURDKK 15/12/03 USDAED 02/07/04
EURGBP 15/12/03 USDBRL 15/12/03
EURHKD 15/12/03 USDCAD 15/12/03
EURHUF 15/12/03 USDCHF 15/12/03
EURJPY 15/12/03 USDCNY 15/12/03
EURKES 27/07/04 USDCZK 15/12/03
EURMAD 03/01/05 USDDKK 15/12/03
EURMXN 27/07/04 USDHKD 15/12/03
EURNOK 15/12/03 USDHUF 15/12/03
EURNZD 15/12/03 USDIDR 15/12/03
EUROMR 27/07/04 USDINR 27/07/04
EURPHP 27/07/04 USDJPY 15/12/03
EURPLN 15/12/03 USDMAD 27/07/04
EURRUB 15/12/03 USDMXN 27/07/04
EURSEK 15/12/03 USDMYR 27/07/04
EURSGD 26/07/04 USDNOK 26/07/04
EURSKK 15/12/03 USDOMR 27/07/04
EURTHB 15/12/03 USDPHP 27/07/04
EURUSD 15/12/03 USDPLN 15/12/03
EURZAR 10/12/03 USDRUB 15/12/03
GBPAUD 15/12/03 USDSAR 27/07/04
GBPCAD 15/12/03 USDSEK 15/12/03
GBPCHF 15/12/03 USDSGD 15/12/03
GBPCZK 26/07/04 USDSKK 15/12/03
GBPDKK 15/12/03 USDTHB 15/12/03
GBPEUR 15/12/03 USDTND 27/07/04
GBPHKD 15/12/03 USDZAR 15/12/03
GBPHUF 15/12/04


XAGCHF 15/12/03 XPDCHF 15/12/03
XAGEUR 15/12/03 XPDEUR 15/12/03
XAGUSD 15/12/03 XPDUSD 15/12/03
XAUAUD 15/12/03 XPTCHF 15/12/03
XAUCHF 15/12/03 XPTEUR 15/12/03
XAUEUR 15/12/03 XPTUSD 15/12/03
XAUUSD 15/12/03

DISCLAIMER: Daily Market Commentary is provided for informational purposes only. The information contained in these reports is gathered from reputable news sources and is not intended to be used as investment advice. we assumes no responsibility or liability from gains or losses incurred by the information herein contained.